So I was reading through old posts and comments I have made on other blogs and I have realized that I am not as smart as I once was. You see I used to have a pretty good command of grammer and was careful to avoid common mistakes. Now I obviously don't know the difference between their, there, and they're. I no longer know when to use to and when to use too. I usually get two correct though. I am pretty sure that I still know that a lot is two words and use it properly but overall I think I am getting dumber. I can't tell you how many times I wish to say a different word than I use but have no clue how to spell it so I dumb down my vocabulary. I am getting a little worried though because if I am becoming this dumb now by the time I am 45 I am going to be in diapers and drooling mumbling about the good old days. I fear senility is not that far away.
So I don't have that much exciting to talk about right now. We are going to my almost neice's birthday party this weekend. She is turning 8 and having a party at Build-a-bear. She is the cutest kid in the world so I sure it will be fun to see her. My parents are coming here for Thanksgiving and we are going to go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park and do the photo safari tour. It is so cool we get to go into the enclosure and hand feed the giraffes and rhinos. The whole family is going so I am hoping we will get some good family pictures. Of course I shall also try to post a picture of me and a rhino because being next to such an animal is sure to make me feel thinner.
I did call and make a formal complaint to the insurance company about the Doctor. I don't think anything will come of it but at least it will go on record. I also asked if it was uncommon to have to go in for test results and the insurance lady said no that it is a matter of policy and some office prefer to always be face to face for results. I guess that means that when you are going to a new Doctor you should ask what their policy is before you go for the appointment. Actually I am learning that in general when you call a new Doctors office it is good to ask a lot of questions about the Doctor and office before you even go because they may not be suited to you.
Ok so Britmum tagged me to come up with eight things about myself that you all may not know about me. Normally I would link her but I am too lazy for that now. I am trying to think of eight things so I hope my list doesn't disappoint you all.
1. I used to purposely miss spell words when we had class spelling bees so I could sit down and doodle because I didn't like standing up still for long periods of times.
2. I almost drowned when I was 4 and for a long time I was afraid to go back in the water. My Mom bribed me to swim and after that she could never get me out of the pool. I became a total fish.
3. I hate being the only one to ever call and make an effort with people. I will do it for awhile but if the other person never calls me I stop calling them and we drift apart. The only people that stay for long in my life are people that I have a two way street with.
4. Most people that know me think I have a lot of confidense. I always feel like a phony. I am starting to learn that really no one is confident just some people are better at faking it. So maybe there really isn't any such thing as confidense.
5. I have an incredible memory for things. I can pretty much tell you the minute details of a date or party. I can also quote lines from movies better than most men. I drive Brad and Susan crazy because I don't forget anything.
6. When I was young I would let my brothers talk me into to things. One time Nick tied me to the back of his bike while I had rollerskates on. I was wearing really short Dove shorts. Nick started to pull me and right as he got up speed he slammed on the brakes. I got tire burn all up my thighs and it smelled terrible and was really painful. He to this day says it was my fault, that I should have swerved.
7. I sometimes think that I am one of the only people in the world that came from a functional family. I am so lucky to have the parents I do. Without them I don't think our family would have made it through some of the things we did.
8. I am always afraid when something I have always wanted is about to happen that it will some how not. I worried that I would be told seconds before my High School graduation that it was a mistake and I wouldn't graduate. I never feel like I quite deserve these big events.
I don't know who to tag with this so if you haven't done this and want too consider yourself tagged.