So here is a picture teaser of our Halloween. We have found that it is a lot of fun to dress up our son in costumes. I believe in total Elijah ended up with 7 costumes. I found this one at the Children's Place on clearance for 5 bucks. We decided that the picture value alone was worth the price. So keep on the lookout for more pictures of various costumes on Elijah's site.
We have had my Mom here helping us out until Friday the 26th of October. Then on saturday the 27th Susan came for a week to help us out and see the baby. So this is the first time that it has been just me and Brad here since before Elijah was born. It was so nice to have so much help but I am really excited to start getting on a normal schedule. Right now he is napping peacefully in his pack and play and I am taking the time to catch up on the internet. I think I am adjusting to being a Mom and getting used to the hours that this job requires. We are working on getting him to sleep without us holding him, it seems to work if we get him soundly asleep before we put him down. But I think it will be awhile before he will go to sleep on his own. Oh well there are worse things then snuggling a baby.
After he wakes up I plan to nurse him and then load him up in the stroller. I want to try to go walking with him everyday. I think that he is good motivation to exercise and by pushing the stroller I feel like I am not alone. Friday I go back to the Dr. for my 6 week checkup. I can't believe that a lot of Mom's would be looking at returning to work in a week, I can't imagine having to put my little man in daycare already. I feel like he is still just fresh out of the womb, and he needs me so much and I need to be the Mom still. I feel so blessed that I don't have to tear myself in two and send him to daycare. I am so lucky that we can afford for me to be a stay at home Mom. Elijah is just starting to smile and I would hate that he was giving them all to someone on else I don't even know.
Ok I think I am just rambling now. I hope to be around a little more now as things settle into a pattern. See you all soon.