This is my cat Zacchaeus, she did not appreciate the flash in her face last night. I have mentioned that she has a two tone nose, I offer this as proof. I think she is the prettiest cat in the world but she assures me that she is the coolest. She is not a cuddly cat, we have Pixel her sister for that. Yesterday we went to the grand opening of the Pet Smart across the street and got the girls new toys. We found this glove that has mice dangling from it and each of them are attached to elastic. They had a alot of fun attacking the mice and stretching them out from the fingers. So yes our cats are spoiled. Now that we have the Pet Smart across the street we have 3 chain pet stores in the 1/2 block radius of our house. Then in addition to that we have 2 more aquarium stores, a groomer and at least 2 vets within 2 blocks of our house. All three of the chain stores have cat rescues on the weekends to help adopt homeless cat's. So I guess I live in a good neighborhood to be a pet.
So I am sure that the angel you see is confuse about her name. You see I give pet names to her all the time. Really I only call her Zacchaeus when I am calling her to come from far away. I call her Zacchy, Z-Bear, Tubba Bubbas, Bubbas, ZZ Boom, Bear, Big Girl, Zacchy the Wonder Cat, Squeeks, and probally many more that I can't think of right now. I have a sickness. I wonder if I will do the same thing to my human children someday? I guess time will tell.
She's VERY purdy!!!
Oh you're completely NORMAL, trust me. Keep in mind this is coming from a person who has an entire bedroom just for the cats :-)
I have so many "pet names" for my cats I'm surprised they actually come when I call them by any of the numerous names.
I'm going to clog your comments with my cat's names and "pet names":
Chi Chi
Chi Chi Molichicai, Chi Chi Monkey, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Wee Wee, Monkey Kitty
Foo Foo, FoFanna, FooFee, Foof, FenderLena
MoMo, Mahoney Baloney, MiMi
Drewdy, Drew Bug, Dickhead (he is the alpha and picks on the other cats), Andy, Drewdaleeni
BonBon, Bonnie (yes, he's boy and I call him Bonnie), BannanaFannaFoFanna (not to be confused with FoFanna for Fender)
All of my cats come when called by the way. It's actually sort of odd, people don't believe me until they see all five DARTING to wherever I'm sitting after I call each of their names.
I take full responsibility for raising five weird cats. It's a GOOD thing I'm not having kids :-)
that looks like one pissed off cat..haha
i will leave you with my pets names too.
siamense cat named Sagwa..a little dog named Ellen, and bunny named Thumper..then 3 spawns metldow, meg ryan and toddler..haha
Ok Soozieq maybe we are both sick. Z is very good at coming to her name. Pixel is much better at coming to Z's name then her own, however P is never far from the underneath of my foot.
Christina yes she gets annoyed with me. Do you actually call your kids by their spawn names?
SO cute!
I'm touching it's nose!!!!
She is a pretty girl! And I know those gloves your talking about, I get lots of cat toys from petsmart, it rocks there. I take my dogs there and let them pick out toys all the time...
And I also call my pets by so many names besides their own.
Right now I have been calling our puppy Moo, the Mega Mooby Muffin.
Shes fat and fluffy and I cant stop myself
RSG- I took that just for you.
Jessica- Ok so you also get to join the too many nick name club. I feel a little better since you have human children and still do this.
Cat- Thanks mwa
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