We stayed at a little 2 room cabin that really wasn't big enough for the 6 of us but with an air mattress we made due. The thing was that the only place to put the mattress was right in front of the gas fire place that was the only heater in the cabin. The first night I didn't sleep at all because I was getting burned alive. The second night I turned it as low as it would go on the thermostat so when it dipped below 50 in the cabin the fire came back on. This made it nice and warm directly in front of me and in my little bubble but the heat didn't reach anyone else and they were so cold they had a hard time sleeping. I didn't sleep that well either but at least I was warm.
We came back this afternoon and went to lunch with them and then headed back for home. WHen we got almost home we were waiting to turn left at a light but the car in front of us was stalled out so we had to go around. I looked in at the car, a 2001 Mercedes, and saw the only person in the car was a woman and she looked clueless. Since we were stopped anyway at the light and I knew it was dangerous to leave the woman stuck there I offered to help push her out of the intersection. The lady was clueless and didn't even know to put her car in nuetral. Then she stayed sitting in the drivers seat while I tried by myself to push her very heavy car and her out of the street. Brad moved his car out of the intersection and parked and ran back to help me push. We got her into a parking lot and the lady was still lost as to what to do. Brad tried to start the car but it wouldn't turn over. He told her to call AAA and to have them tow her to a Mercedes dealership. She said she had just had the car serviced at a dealership. Well obviously it didn't work. We finally left her to call for help to at least she wasn't in the road anymore. She really didn't even thank us for all the help we gave her, go figure. I then went into a pretty bad asthma attack for me and Brad got kind of worried. I coughed out a lot of fluid and took the emergency inhaler which has helped a lot but I am still hacking up a lung. I am a little disgusted that when we see someone stranded no one tries to help them anymore, and when someone does help you, you aren't even grateful for it. We are going to Hell in a hand basket.

Though it is certainly a different situation, I fully hear you with the whole helping isn't worth it thing.
Don't give up on "kind and courteous" we help people because we choose to, not to get kudos. It sure is nice when people take the time to be grateful. I truly believe in what goes around comes around and doing random acts of kindness makes me a better person. I am proud that you and Brad have it instilled in you to 'come to the rescue', but maybe you need to consider the health consequences next time.
On a happy note...So glad that you & Brad got to play in the snow. The only way he got back to the top as a child was by Sandy or Elliot..must have been nice to have mechanical equiptment to do it for you. I picked up so me goodies for hostess baskets..will keep u posted!!
Have a great day!
love the photo..and what did we learn?..mercedes break down;)
yes i second what d said..i meant to say that but had to hurry with my comment to get the kids on the bus..my bad;)
You have asthma too? I'm on a steroid now for my asthma which really helps and I rarely have to use my fast acting inhaler. Of course who knows what the 'roid is doing to the REST of my organs?!?!?
Anyway, yah...people ARE rude! That lady might have just been stunned or scared so maybe that's her excuse. But NOTHING chaps my hide more than when I hold a door for someone and they do not even utter a "thank you". I'm such a bitch that I say "Oh you're welcome!" all cheery as if they HAD thanked me.
I'm on a bullet train to hell...that I already know :-)
Glad you guys had fun in the snow. Very cute picture!
where r u ???
Goodness, Nick looks more like your Dad every time I see him. He looks really happy! Im sooooooo happy for him!
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