So we went to my brothers yesterday and then to the Dodgers Giants game. WHen we got back we had to put the little one to bed and then the Easter Bunny needed to come before she woke up. Apparently unbeknowst to all of us the Easter Bunnies special helper is a jew. We had a lot of fun and it was good to spend time with my brother. We were only sad that we wouldn't be there this monring to see the little ones face when she woke up.

what a cute idea..glad you are the bubbies helper, even though your a jew..haha
happy passover:)
i mean bunnie...not bubbie..my bad:)
Ok, that is SO cute and SO sweet!
Um, you were at the Dodger vs. Giants game? I know a certain Portuguese man (the Hubs) who would be MIGHTY jealous of you all :-)
awe wittle bunny tracks! Adorable!
thanks guys, I can't take any credit for the idea though that was all my brothers girlfriend. But Brad did figure out an easier way to make them then the qtips she was going to use. Soozieq there is no need for the hubs to be jealous it wasn't a very good game.
How cute!
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