The first three pictures are of Brad and I on the day we got our marriage license. We decided to play hookie after we were done at the courthouse and went to Downtown Disney and goofed off. The first picture is me trying on a cowboy hat and honestly I am only posting it because I think my boobs look amazing in this picture and I thought you should all have a little treat. The next picture is Brad and I kissing in the waterfall caves at the Disneyland Hotel. The hotel has great grounds and if you are ever in the area I recommend exploring the hotel. The waterfall caves were empty and it made for a nice hideaway on such a romantic day. The next picture is of Brad and my drink at the Rainforest Cafe. Both were very good to me. The last picture is of my 2 maids of honor at my bachelorette party, we were at the piano bar at the New York New York casino. We had a lot of fun there. Unfortunately that is one of the only pictures I thought to take all weekend. I guess I can't get in trouble for anything if I take no evidense.

DA-YAM! Woman those are indeed some amazing breasts. You have really gorgeous skin by the way. Those comments are totally meant in a non-pervy kind of way.
I will receive them totally non-pervy. Thank you so much, skin is one of those things that I take totally for granted, so it is nice every once in awhile for someone to kick my butt a little and make me appreciate how lucky I am.
Looks like Vegas was fun..that countdown clock is making me crazy!! Just thought you'd like to know that!
Look a that.......2! Count em...one...two!!! Two individuals not one big one!
ok, i second that..look at that clevage woman..damn..thats all I can say..damn
Karin what can I say, you just made my day with that picture ;-0
Lucky Brad ;-)
I'll shut up now incase I say something I shouldnt.
Lots of love XxXxXxX
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