This little face needs constant love and attention. Currently she has snuck down into my office with me and keeps trying to stand on my keyboard. The thing is she can get kind of annoying and she drools. It can be very hard to type with her on your lap and getting her fur in your mouth. On the other hand she is so damn cute that you can't help but love her. And
Soozieq I don't know what you are talking about, I would never post a bunch of times in a row to bury a bad post.
You have learned well young grasshopper! ;-)
I must have learned really well because ultimately I deleted the post from here so now it is really buried.
I noticed that as well (and left you a comment over there.
I think I might need to learn from you and start another blog and keep it a secret ;-)
Ahhhhhh so sweet, when we come to the computer our 2 boys just jump on us and park themselves on our lap. The computer chair we use is a fold up one, it was ma's, we call it her 'directors chair' and when ever its vacant, Adonis sleeps on it. I wonder does he feel that its ma's chair, Im sure he feels her sleeping there :-)
Lots of love XxXxXxXxXxX
AAAWWWEEE Pixely-pooh! She isnt shy about asking you is she. Wonder where she got that from?
She's a cutie! Sass doesn't park herself in my lap when I'm online, but she does tend to walk on the computer table, in front of the monitor, when she wants attention.
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