So I was in my house tooling around this afternoon, when I started hearing a lot of sirens. Sirens in my neighborhood aren't that uncommon as we live across the street from a nursing home. But the Sirens kept coming and I could hear a lot of people outside. I looked out the back and to my shock this is what I saw. The building diagonal from me was on fire and we had lots of fireman to fight it. I should say from the beginning that no one was hurt and the owners of this unit got out ok. I live in Culver City which has it's own fire department, this is a very good thing. Within 2 minutes of the fire department being called they were already here fighting the fire. They got the fire out and kept it from spreading to any other unit or even any more of their unit then the bedroom it started in. It was amazing to see these men stand on the roof and saw any and the burning wood. They were so quick and we had more then 7 fire trucks here. It was really a site to behold. I chose not to take any more pictures of the incedent because I felt wrong in taking pictures, so I didn't take any until the fire was out. Now the question remains what is the best thing to do for these people now that the fire is over nad they can't go back home. Another neighbor has offered them a place to stay so I am planning to go over tomorrow and offer to make meals for them until they are back on their feet. Does this seem like the right thing to do. Tomorrow we will also be going through the house and making sure all the wires are safe and that there is no dust bunnies near outlets. I also plan to talk to our home owners association about an emergency plan and a way of helping people out after a crisis. So I would like to encourage everyone to go check your house and make sure you don't have fire hazards around. Also make a plan for emergencies you never know when there will be one.

My beutiful one,
I think that IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL IDEA, making meals for the people, I wouldnt expect nothing else from you, you have such a kind heart and always thinking of others, this is you :-)
Also Im so glad your safe, what would we do if anything happened, make sure you check those things well, and if you need any help, il be right over with my tool box to help out ;-)
wow...how sad..
like the meal idea..u r a good girl;)
Yikes! Scary. The meal thing is cool. I like to make things for people when they hard in a hard spot like after surgery, after having a baby, etc. I hope they appreciate what you are doing!
I keep meaning to put a site meter back on my blog and I keep forgetting.
Awweeee K, thats a wonderful idea! All of them actually. I bet nobody on your board has thought of an emergency plan like that. I mean maybe for big major disasters, but what about the individual? Good idea!
Making dinners sounds like a very sweet and very nice idea. You have such a kind heart.
fires are so scary!
Last December the man's house behind ours caught on fire in the middle of the night, It was really huge because he was smoking in bed & had an oxygen tank in the room that exploded!
He unfortunatley died & my sons were so traumatized by it for months. we actually had to be awoken by the fire dept. to leave because they thought it was going to spread to our home at once.
Ever since then, It scares me to hear about fires in homes & we have made an escape plan for the whole family since..
What a nice thing to do for someone. I am sure they will greatly appreciate the meals.
I am glad you are safe and you must be a brilliant neighbour.
I hope your neighbours get settled again soon. Very sad indeed.
Take care xx
Kaaaaaaariiiin........where arrreeee yoooouuu????
where r u?....should I come looking for you?
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