So big news around our house is that there is a baby in my belly. On Monday we went to the Doctor and had our first appointment and ultrasound. The babies heartbeat
loooks good and is developing well. Seeing the baby made everything feel a little more real. We are so excited to be starting our family and it is nice to see our little Zygote has developed into a fetus. For now we call the Baby
Zy because it is what I started calling it to tell it to become a Zygote. Don't worry though eventually the baby will have a real name that we will call it instead of a developmental stage that it has already passed. Anyway
Zy is due in September

between the 17
th and the 23rd depending on what you go by. However that being said I am pretty sure
Zy will come whenever it is good and ready. We still haven't decided if we are going to find out the sex because I kind of don't want too and Brad does want too. We will see maybe as that time gets closer I will want to know as well.
We gave our parents the go ahead to tell people after we saw the ultrasound to tell people as once you see the heartbeat at 8 weeks you have less than a 5% chance of miscarrying and we figure if we did at this point we would want the support. Brad's Mom was very excited to share the news and I am sure by now there is a full page ad in their paper letting everyone know we are pregnant. My Mom has only told a few people and is slowly
ramping up to tell more.
Tomorrow Brad's sister and boyfriend are going to paint the babies room for us. I know it is early but this is when their visit is so we are just going with it. The room will be done in classic pooh and I can't wait to see it. So that is what has been going on around here, I am tired though and need to rest. I am sure there will be much more news later.
You already know how I'm very excited for you!
Your going to be a great mom!
Email me anytime you need advice!
(I always loved the classic pooh theme, my sister did her sons in that one..)
Take care & get rest!
That's SO awesome. Cograts to you and your hubby! Looking forward to hearing how it goes. You've got lots of ladies here to help with any questions you have too! :)
YAY! Zy looks *just* like you :-)
Soozieq are you saying I am blobby and nondescript?
Congratulations ;)
Woo hoo!!! (Oh, and you better find out the sex...LOL)
Congrats to you and Brad!
omg,im so happy for u both..congratulations darling..all the best..YUPPIE,WER BEING BLOGGER AUNTS...XXXXX
I couldnt believe it when fairy told me last night ... Karin is with child ... darling Im so happy, really, as if it was me expecting the lickel bundle of joy :-)
This is my first blog baby and man she/he will so soooooo spoilt by us all here ... plus, aunty maddie will teach him or her how to chase the ladies ;-)
Im so happy for you both darling, you really cheered me up with this news, thank you :-)
I love you loads Kaz, congrats to you and Brad XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
Sooooooooooooooooooo excited for you both!!!!!
Love ya xx
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I did not go over board at Mecca. DONT find out the sex! Surprises are THE BEST!
Wow, Congrats!
u know i am so happy for u...congrads..
looks like a little peanut..
Congrats guys!
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