For our next offering picture it full of steaming hot water and the jets full blast.
Just because this is worth mentioning again and because I really want it, I give you the third offering.
Our last offering may be confusing but I will say it is unpastorized therefore a no no
IM FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRSTTT!!!!!! Now after your done nursing and what-have-you I will give you a hot tub full of red wine and naughty cheese? EEEEWWWWEEEEE! Just kidding. I'll just give you a really good bottle of wine witha big ol hunk of yummy cheese to wash it down with :)
That's why I could never be pregnant. T40 weeks is an awfully long time without wine.
But just think how good all of that will taste/feel when you can have/do them again! :-)
Thanks for the visual! Now I want a glass of wine with some delightful cheese!! LOL!
Sorry you'll miss those things- but the baby will make it so very worth the wait!!
Take Care!
but you get a baby in the end so it's all good.
Just think how much you'll enjoy them afterwards though...
I think you can still have wine when you are nursing, just not an entire
You will make it. lol
Take care xx
sson u'll enjoy it more darling,when ur baby s sleeping nicely upstairs..imagine,how peaceful and relaxing...having a ababy and wine...
shhot, I always went in the hot tub while carrying the embroyo's..I was a bad mom right from the start.
although I did not have sex the whole time, just cause I like punishing my man..
and it was the most blissfull nine months ever.
Wine! Oh what I would give to have some right now!!!!
Dont worry hunny,
Consider me as your own personal wine drinker ;-)
Love and kisses XxXxXxXxXxXxX
Yes, the goat cheese, the feta cheese... how did our ancestors survive? They must have eaten all those forbidden things. Someone else was showing me her doctor's list of forbidden pregnancy foods, and it said you have to cook your lunch meat before eating it. Pregnancy sounds so complicated to me.
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