Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Year Older

Today is my 35th birthday. I am feeling old. Not because I am bothered by a number on the calendar but because the day was or is so unremarkable. I remember days gone by when the day was so exciting and held so much promise but today was just whatever. So anyway I figured as long as I am here throwing a whatever party I would make a list of things that are irritating because as my husband will tell you I live to criticize others.

*If you are only planning to drive the speed limit or less why are you taking up space in the carpool lane?

*Do not slow to a near stop to merge onto the freeway, merge at freeway speeds or else you are risking your life and the lives of the cars behind you that have to slow to your speed.

*If there is no stop sign when you enter the parking lot but the other 3 sides have one, you have the right of way so use it.

*When I am out in public with the boy and he is asleep it is not the time to continue to peer in or touch him or talk to him. If he is asleep in public it is a rare thing and if you wake him I am likely to punch you.

*If you call a house and hear a baby crying or screaming it is probably a bad time, when they tell you specifically it is a bad time hang up they aren't listening to you anymore anyway.

*Stop telling me about celebs in trouble I don't care.

*Stop asking if I would like help to my car with the groceries, seriously if I can't make it to the car with the cart you already supplied me how an I going to get the groceries to the house from the car?

Ok I could go on but I really should wake up the boy and feed him before it is too late. See ya!


Disneysue said...

Happy Birthday :)
Don't worry birthdays will be great again when the boy turns 1.

The Q said...


I'm sorry it wasn't a banner day, but there's always next year right?

::::ducks from flying dirty diaper:::

eyes_only4him said...

well happy birthday for what its worth:)

but I know what u mean, my last couple birthdays have just been not so exciting either..

Anonymous said...

Happy Whatever! :-) I hope you had a good one. Sorry I wasn't online yesterday to wish you a happy birthday. We had an emergency we had to deal with.

I'm glad to see that we have a LOT of gripes in common. And here my hubby calls this road rage. If he thinks my calling someone a dumbass or telling them to put their foot in it is road rage, he has NO CLUE what road rage is. I'm not angry, I'm just frustrated. :-)

jimskater said...


It's a couple of days late, but Happy Birthday to you. I'd heard through the grapevine that you had a new baby---he's a cutie.

Contgrats all around.
