The first picture is of Cassie my brother's girlfriend's daughter, she is wearing her mom's gloves because she didn't have snow mittens yet. The second picture is of snowy Brad. I think he is in shock over how cold it is. The last picture is of my Bro, yep he does have a very red nose. Yep it was snowing at the time. All these pictures were taken while we waited for the chains to be put on the car. We weren't really dressed to be in the snow and we were ourside waiting for over an hour. We had fun though and Cassie loved the snow. Thanks Susan for telling me how to post multiple pictures, now you guys are all in for trouble.

I (sorta) miss snow! I miss the initial snow fall, after that I am usually pretty over it lol.
Im loving cassie's gloves, shes so cute :-) We didnt have any snow this year, just a few flakes, if you can even call that snow. So thanks for sharing yours with us :-)
Brad looks goon in snow K~ Cassie is sooooooo cute!! Now if you can just tell me how to get that pet thingy onto my page, Id feel not so stupid! LOL!
man I hate snow, looking at all that snow gives me the shivers...I can go look out my window and see it..YUCK..
Nice pix..looks like u guys had fun!! It has been unseasonably warm here on the east coast.. in the 70's the past few days..Have a safe and fun weekend!!
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