I have decided to start a new feature that will be random picture Saturday. I will post pictures of random things with no explanation. You can choose to think of them as you wish or even make up stories in the comments. The only rule I will make is that they will all be pictures I have taken. So here is your first installment, have fun.

i love that pix of "Brad Under Glass (plexi-glass) how cool it that..got the new camera yet?? have fun with it..
Love you!!
Did you MAKE that chocolate castle thing? OMG!!!
Sandy the new camera comes Monday, it os currently sitting at the Los Angeles UPS patiently waiting to come home.
Soozieq- I helped make it with some of the students in the class I TAed for. Thanks.
Okay pic #1 is my old boss and her friend is the one whos head you cant see, of course that all she ever was anyway.....a hippo's booty!
Pic #2, I love for many many reasons but it looks like Jack Skellingtons castle from Nightmare Before Christmas.
Pic #3 is Brads alien doppleganger on his home planet of Schiptzle. You see on Schpitzle, they dont need bodies, just heads and they get around by those moving sidewalk things and occasionally pop up to check on their dirt gardens. Looks like it will be a good harvest this year Brad.
Pic #4 is a sketch of the most wanted cow in the nation. You see, she is stealing udders and selling them on the black market.
Susieba- So the ex's family is from the most dangerous breed of animal in the world? I suppose that is why you divorced.
Susan- what can I say, I love you. Which old boss at what company are you referring to? Yes Brad is good at harvesting dirt.
JD- thanks I hope with my new camera I can get some really interesting pictures. These were old ones I like and thougt they deserved a post.
Hey I didn't know hippos were the most dangerous breed!?! Interesting.
I love your pictures and the whole ideas behind them. I also LOVE that castle you made, very awesome!
OMG Karin, Im honoured, your first picture is of me ;-0 what a dream it must be for my girlfriend to wake up next to me in the morning (more like a nightmare HA-HA-HA)
that castle looks YUMMY!!!! Now I must go search for chocolate to eat :).
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