First up is Juan Pablo Montoya, Monty for short, the killer race turtle. He is asking, You looking at me? as he suns himself with his uv lightbulb. This is a rare treat he is usually too self involved for a picture. Next picture is of our little Pixel, she was worried she wouldn't look good in the picture so she had to take a moment to clean a spot. Third picture is of Zacchy, as she has seen many cameras come and go in her lifetime she was less than impressed and chose to sleep through the photo session. Lastly is a picture of what Brad gave me for Valentines day. I had to wait for it to grow before I could take a picture. If you click on it you will see what I think of you all. Of course I have no idea what it is that I am really growing so I hope it isn't illegal since I keep it in the window and all. ANyway I was just taking a quick break to see what the pictures look like before going and taking more. Expect lots of picture posts in the near future.

Your new camera is so cool honey. You Rock! You should post a video of the rain :D
Sweetie your new camera brill, yay you ;-)My girlfriend is really into photography and we have her photos up everywhere. The cats are beautiful I want one :-)
Awwww look at the sweet babies!!!
Your magic beans grew!! Any 100ft stocks in your future? Remember just grab the goose and RUN! Never mind that loud mouthed harp! She'll blow everyting! I love the pic of Pix!
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