Thursday, May 15, 2008

Proud to Be Californian

So today the California Supreme Court reversed the ban on gay marriage. This is kind of confusing as it doesn't make gay marriage legal but it is heading that way. While we already have domestic partnerships here it is still not the same as legalized marriage. It is still so strange that people are fighting against this saying it belittles the sanctity of marriage. I don't get it to me they uphold it. The 50% plus divorce rate is what is ruining the sanctity. I don't want this to be to political or a place for religious debates but to me I am proud to be from a state that as a whole is taking a giant step forward. I look forward to a future when my friends and neighbors are afforded the same rights and privileges that I have always had. Ok I am jumping off my soapbox now I don't want to get a nosebleed.


Big Mama said...

*jumps up on the soapbox* I agree wholeheartedly!!! I couldn't have said it better myself. I love when people take their heads out of their bottoms long enough to realize that marriage is a good thing, no matter what!

Anonymous said...

Ditto! As a California Girl by birth, all I can say is - WooHoo!

I wish our state hadn't ratified our constitution to make marriage between one man and one woman. Love is love. PERIOD!

The gay/lesbian community don't give up on their relationships just because they are hard. I think if they were allowed to marry, the divorce rate would be lower. They don't give up when the going gets tough. They already know what it's like to stick together through thick and thin.

jimskater said...


Based on our understanding of the ruling, on June 15 or 16 (depending on how you count 30 days from the decision), same sex marriages will be legal & will begin to take place. I know of at least 4 couples down here in San Diego that will be taking advantage immediately. Some of them will be holding civil marriages immediately, followed by full on celebrations next year. Others are going ahead & getting a wedding planned by November, due to the pending proposition. Steve and I are in the latter group. Pending confirmation of the hall today (it's available, my mom just has to get us signed up), Steve & I will be getting married the 12th of October in Northern California.

Needless to say, we're a little giddy & nervous right now. ;)

mama biscuit said...

YaY. The world would be a much happier place if everyone would just mind their own business and let others live their lives the way they want!

Anonymous said...

Here! Here! Ty's Girl.

Jim, Congratulations. May you have an extremely happy life together.

Julie T. said...

Well, I'll be the first to disagree with you!! It has nothing to do with letting people "live their own life". I will let them live their own life. I won't complain or bash in any way. BUT, the word marriage is a covenental union between a man and wife- not 2 men or 2 women. Yes, they can live their own lives and be together, but not in the terms of "marriage". There is sanctity in marraige. It was created as a union and covenant before God. With that being said, Gays can live their lives in love and whatever.... but please don't take the holy union of marriage and say that it should include homosexual partners. ~Julie