Tonight Brad and I are going to the premiere of Kung Fu Panda at Mann's Chinese Theatre. I am excited to get to go and see the movie without the baby with us. I am not sure if the stars will be there or not but it is still a big deal. This is one of the perks Brad gets working for Dreamw*rks now. He didn't work on the movie but he is working on some future movies. He is very excited to show E movies he worked on that E will love. Brad brought home a Po doll and E is in love with it and drags it all around the room. Anyway if I see Brangelina I will post all about it tomorrow.
Because we have sort of baby proofed the living room the cat's are having problems. We put a gate up to keep E from falling down the stairs that we close when he is up and playing. The problem is the cat's won't jump over it to get to the other side where the litter box is. We forgot to open the gate back up the other night and so Z pooped in the middle of the floor in Brad's bathroom and peed on the floor of my bathroom. We cleaned it up and then yesterday during the day she pooped in Brad's bathroom again. If this happens again I will have to shut her in the basement during the day while E is up playing because we are not turning upstairs into a giant litter box. Nor do we want E to be the one to find one of Z's little presents. Let me be clear though both cat's can jump over the gate and crawl under the gate just won't do it. I don't know why.
It is pool season so here is some pool pictures of the boy. I got a waterproof case for the camera so hopefully we will get some cute underwater pictures soon.
Happy 8 month birthday E! Please tell your mommy I'm jealous that she gets her own bathroom.
such cute pictures!
he's too cute
Of course you're biased... but it helps that he really is a cutie pie.
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