I married my best friend. We have packed a lot into these two years and everyday I know I love him a little more. I feel so lucky to have married a man who is so perfect for me. I can't imagine getting through this last year without him and his support. Two years ago today our marriage began and I think now that it was a very symbolic beginning. You see we had planned an outdoor wedding at my parents house and well when the wedding was scheduled to start it was not just raining it was a down pour with thunder and lightening. We ended up moving the ceremony into the house in the family room on the stairs between the kitchen and family room and had guest on all sides of us. It wasn't what I dreamed of when I pictured my wedding but it was still wonderful. Now I realize that it is how marriage is, you will never be living the perfect dream but with some work and flexibility it can still be wonderful. When the wedding was over and it was time for the reception we decided to just go for it and we headed outside. By then the major part of the storm had passed and it had minor showers for the rest of the night. We danced, ate, drank and had the time of our lives. It was something unpredictable but in the end it was right. Thanks Greenday for providing the perfect song to fit the day!
Just a little more each day? hehe :)
I love you too honey. Looks like no freak rain showers yet today.
First Comment! I beat the rest of the blogsphere. It's a good day.
I'm not even kidding when I say that I somehow read Brad's comment as "I beat the rest of the freaks"...oh how true my good man ;-)
I think my eyes are going goofy from too much time staring at the engraving software on the computer. YIKES!!
Happy Anniversary you two love birds!!! Here's to many, MANY more!
Happy Anniversary guys! I can't believe its been 2 years already. Here's to many many happy and adventerous years together! So, when is baby #2 comming?
Karin, I'm so sorry I'm late. I read this in my bloglines reader and forgot to come by and comment.
Happy Belated Anniversary!
WoooHooooo!!!! Happy Anniversary you two little love birds!!!
Marriage is the best thing that I have ever done. It's a lot of work with an incredible payoff. Hope to see this very post again next year and for the 90 years following that...
Happy Annivesary Karin...
I cant believe its been 2 years...damn..time flies.
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