Ok so I would like to talk a minute about some blogging manners that are getting on my nerves lately. First of all if you get lots and lots of comments everyday consider yourself lucky because there are some of us who have very few commentors dispite the fact that we comment daily on over 20 blogs. Please if you are coming by leave me a note I do so for you. If I am not commenting on your blog it is probably because I don't know you are coming by so again leave a comment. Number two if something I say hurts your feelings please let me know. I don't ever mean to hurt someone with the things I say so if it is hurtful tell me. I promise I will tell you when you hurt mine. Three just because someone is offended by something doesn't mean they should grow a thicker skin. Everyone has at least one thing that pushes their buttons and telling them to man up is not going to help the situation. Four please for the love of all that is good and wholey in this world a lot is two words not one please write it as two. I have a thing about grammer but I am willing to let most of them go so please just change this one thing for me.
I guess that is all the big ones for now. I am not meaning any one of these things to any one person. There are lots of offenders out there and I am being general. Oh I would also love it if you have music on your website if you would have a way for me to turn it off. ALso if that way was somewhere towards the top of the page so I don't have to scroll all the way through the page to turn it off that would be great. I know there is a small problem here as the way your page looks to you may not be how it appears to me, but if you could try I would love it. I think mine is just to the side and easily paused but let me know if it isn't and I will adjust it.
In other news I am tired of my background on here and shall be shopping for a new one any ideas will be greatly appreciated. At such time I will also be doing adjustments to my links so if you aren't linked and would like to be let me know. If you are linked and you haven't commented in the last month or so I may remove you since I assume you do not care to be friendly. So again if this is incorrect just let me know.
A code of conduct for the blogosphere? 'Tis an admirable goal, though I think you're gonna be hard-pressed.
I'll certainly second the proper usage of the English Language; or, if the language must be taken advantage of, I would prefer that it be done artfully.
Also, hippos = awesome.
Erik- thank you I too think that Hippos are awesome and since it has been a long time since I have been to the zoo I will keep reusing that picture. Yes I know it is pointless to try to make a code of conduct but whatever I thought I would try.
Hi Karin-
I checked out your blog yesterday but I didn't have a chance to comment-So here I am now..
I get tons of regulars on my site too with no comments & I always wonder the same thing-why not leave me a hello or something?
Anyway- love your wedding pictures,very beautiful!
Take care,
Very well written post.
I like what you wrote today. Its true and I am guilty of errors through haste at times and sometimes because of ructions in the house. Two boys equal lots of ructions. LOL
I like to know that people read my stuff too but at the end of the day I like it because it is like keeping a diary and above all its mine.
Anyway the hippos are bloody brilliant.
Take care xx
P.S. The above comment deleted was mine. LOL I didn't check my post before I sent it. No excuse well except I am hotter than hell right now. Trying to cool off... its 115 today. O.k. bye
Jd- no I don't have a site meter I guess I should install one. I am worried that it will drive me more nuts than thinking no one is reading this.
Michele- Thanks for coming by. With all the compliments on my wedding pictures I am tempted to show more. You can never get enough feeling like a pretty pretty princess.
Brad- were you worried I was going to cut you out if you didn't comment. Don't worry honey I will let you read for free.
Britmum- I know that I write this for me but I am still a little school girl at heart and I need to feel like people like me. I understand about being hot too. We have no airconditioning and I am trapped in the house.
I only have 2ish people who comment on mine but Im still a newbie blogger, so its not bothering me.......yet. Its like going to a birthday party and not bringing a card for the guest of honor. Like, walking into someones home, and not saying hello. I am relly bad et spelng zo. I wil tri to do beder.
yes, if something bothers you that somone writes by all measn tell them. some people do not expect others to be hurt by silly things they say...
and I always leave you comments, thats what I do...and i hate it when you take the time to comment on someones blog and they dont at least pop over to say hello and thank you for stoppng by..
i have made up blog rules before too...they are nice, but like everything , people do what they want i guess..
and i think that hippo wants to eat me..feed him please:)
Susan- I din't knock spelling all I am asking for is a lot to be two words. Yes you are still a little new to be worried about this give it time.
Bossy- As you were commenting I was installing a site meter so I saw that you were here from the main page and that you were commenting. Too cool. The Hippo isn't going to eat you he has his back turned it is far more likely he is going to fart on you.
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