Apparently they get free rein for crawling up your dress at various points of the day. Oh and not pictured they get to hold your dress up for you while you try to potty while wearing 40 pounds of dress. What then is the payment for being a MOH if they spend their whole day under your dress. Well apart from being the first person to see your bits and pieces on your wedding day, they were not fart upon nor piddled upon when the hilarity of the situation struck the bride. They were given all they could drink of Muscato and other than that just the shear admiration of the bride. So if that is all the payment why in the world would you put yourself through this kind of torture? I don't know maybe she is a lover of pain. In anycase after seeing all these pictures it will be a cold day in hell before I ever where a dress in front of you again Pooh. Ok the next wedding we deal with we will makke sure it has a much better bustling system, sorry I put you through that, but hey you now know how to match colors and tie string, your kindergarten teacher shall be so proud.

A friend indeed. Those pictures are hilarious! I love how I can see you laughing, but I wonder if she is too ;-)
well I am pretty sure she wasn't laughing when she was trying to bustle my dress it was a nightmare and never really worked right. At one point Brad and Susan were under my dress trying to make it bustle better.
Oh my gosh Karin you are so bloody cute. I love the photos and only your best friend could do that for you.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. You are way too kind.
Take care xx
Number #1 - your dress is SO pretty!
Number #2 - I do believe that it is the "unspoken" part of the MOH job considering I have pics just like those of you under MY dress LOL
Hey, Thanks for stopping by my site - I should have left you a comment when I stopped by - I saw your comment on Michele_3's site and that's how I found yours. Take care...
i have been a maid of honor once and will be one agian in novmeber..such fun we do have;)
Hey no worries K. Id go throught it 1000 times if you asked me to. To answer the blogger questions, yes, I was laughing until most of the Muscato came out my nose (sorry about that K. Lucky for me, there were 600 layers of dress to use! K, Im betting I WILL see you in a dress again. Lets just make it one with less layers and loose the bustling! I have to say, I never thought I would be under my best friends dress, WITH her husband! It was a BLAST!
Love the dress, you look so pretty!
& the your post is hilarious, What a great friend, she did her job well!
Take care!
You beautiful thing :-)
Now, tell me, how can I get my maid of honour to climb under my wedding dress without pissing my future wife off ;-0
O, what nice dreams Im gonna have tonight ;-0
Lots of love XxXxXxXxXxXxX
What hilarious pix..It is great to have such a good friend and such an awesome husband too!!
fun times :)...that is what good friends are for though!
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