My friend the Mad Hatter is having a really crappy year and she needs some good pussy love to cheer her up. This is the best I can do. The Sunflower is there to remind you of your beauty and love, and that the sun will come out for you soon. I am praying.

My love, you made me cry :-)
Thank you so much, Im lost for words, you really are a special and very beautiful chick, not in that way brad, so please dont beat me up ;-)
I LOVE YOUR PUSSIES, get your mind out of the gutter ;-0 So cute, our 2 are running round like crazy tings at the moment, god help us
As for the sunflower, you made the sun shine for me this morning when I switched on the computer and saw your post, also your comment on my page :-)
You really are a special person Karin, and a very, very good friend, I feel so blessed to have you as part of my life even if we only know eachother in blogworld, but that will change when fairy and I came to the states next year, we'll catch up :-)
I feel like I've known you forever, thank you for being my friend :-)
Lots and lots of love from us 4 here XxXxXxXxX
ps, please tickle z and pixel's chin's for us :-) XxXxXxXxX
What a sweet thing to do for MH! Cute kitties, too.
ur so kind darling,thanks for making my babys day:)xxxxxxxx
are you ready for some down to earth solutions and tips for this new union? when you are, give me a blog-by. i'm just waiting for the perfect couple to mentor
your kittys are cute...MEOW!
You are quite the saw-seh one dahling. And as always, the thoughtfull one! Always makes fighting life easier when you know you've got fans!
is that sun flower in your back yard?
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