So an urgent plea has been made for me to update my blog. I thought I would show you were I have been. These are before pictures of my living room. This is just a taste of the toys and craziness our living room had become. When we came back from our honeymoon we also had this room full of boxes and presents that all needed homes. So while it has been to hot to spend any sort of time in the garage where my computer is I have been redecorating and finding homes for all the wayward presents. Tommorrow evening when I am more sober and less tired I will post the after pictures. I am sorry I haven't posted more but before midnight it is hard to spend more than a couple of minutes at a time where my computer is. Hopefully this heat spell will pass and my computer and I can be friendly again. If not I will have to find internet connection in the living room. Ps no I don't know the people in these picture except L and I in the last picture. We had a Passover dinner a few years ago and these are L's friends and coworkers.
I didnt die either, so thats good for us ;-)
My internet went carzy in this heat, but its fine now.
Getting back from any holiday always leaves our house in turmoil for a few weeks, jus finding places for things and just basicly getting our arse back into 'normality'.
Lots of love from us XxXxXxXxXxX
I cant wait to see the after! I usually do a good clean before I know Im going away for a long trip, I dont like to come back to reality in caos, it ruins my euphoric high!
I wouldnt where u had been, but I didnt want get all bossy on you and tell you to update already;)
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