Tuesday, June 26, 2007

As the Baby turns

Well Elijah has been kicking the stuffing out of me and has decided that after 3 am Mommy doesn't need any more sleep. The reslutls of this is me being tired and groggy all day. I am also starting to get some of the more fun side effects of pregnancy. Yesterday as I sat innocently at my desk I felt a sneeze coming on. I thought it was nothing to worry about but then it happened I sneeze peed. It was just a little tiny bit but I can tell very soon I will be buying depends undergarments. On another note recently when I run into people I know casually they ask how the pregnancy is going and then how much have I gained. I haven't gained anything but I don't think it is an appropriate question to ask someone. I mean I always sit there and worry about their reaction like are they thinking damn girl you are so huge how fat were you before that you haven't gained anything. It just is never right to ask a women about her weight.

In two days my Mom will be coming for a visit. My almost neice is in an iceskating competion on Sunday. My brother is renting a beach house near the event and we will be staying there through the 4th of July. It will be fun to spend time with the family and hang out on the beach. I expect to get very tan even through my 45 sun block. Actually this is kind of a weird thing but have you noticed that some people over tan? I mean when you look like leather maybe it is time to leave the beach. Saturday Brad and I went to Balboa Island and there was a woman sunbathing and she was very leathery. I couldn' believe she could look at herself in a mirror and still think she needed to lay out more. Anyway no fear I will not be the incredible leather woman.

So I have been listenning to XM radio in my car and mine unit has a button to pick your favorite artists and it will tell you whenever they are on. Anyway several of the artists that I have selected as favorites I realized I have never bought their albums. So it got me to thinking what is your favorite artist that you have never bought their music. For me I guess it is Red Hot Chili Peppers. I like them but they are played so much on the radio I have never felt the need to buy the music. I suppose they are victims of their own popularity. Anyway if you have an artist let me know who and why.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Well the time has come for me to change parties. No not political parties but computer parties. I have gone to the supposed dark side and as of today am the proud owner of a shiny new macBook. So now our pc household has a competiter. So far there are things I like better and things I liked better on my pc. On my old laptop the mouse area had a scroll button and you could double tap the finger area without having to click the button. These things made life a little easier. Most other things I think will be easier on this but I will have to still figure out how to load my pictures on to this computer since I have no idea where the cord is from camera since I have always used a card reader. Maybe I will just plug the card reader into here too, I am sure Brad will have an opinion on the best course of action. Anyway as soon as I figure out how to do this I will be starting a new website for the baby. Apple has some great ways to do this and so once I know how I will get that up and running. I will have some things on that website password protected as I am a little paranoid about having too much information out there available for the web as a whole. As soon as I have that up I will email an address to that for you to have access.

Thank you so much for all of the love and support you guys have given me. This has been a tough time and I am getting through it slowly. There is so much I have wanted to share with my Dad and it is so hard not having him there to tell everything too. I guess I haven't posted much because I didn't have anything worth sharing. I haven't been doing much because I am just not in the mood. I am also tired and very pregnant at this point so there isn't much to share. I guess I am just in a weird place and it was easier to say nothing than to try to figure out what to say. For the most part I am doing ok. The last couple of days have been very busy. We went to Napa for the weekend as Sunday was my Mom's birthday. Of course focussing on that made it a little easier to ignore that it was also another holiday. I won't lie all the commercials for father's Day were hard on me and on more than one occasion I flipped the tv the bird and cried. I guess you don't realize how many people take their father's for granted and I would do anything just to hear his voice. I am sure in time all this will be easier but right now it is so fresh and I still feel so cheated. Most people my age are starting to lose their grandparents where in I have lost all of them and also my Father, frankly I am bitter. On the preganncy website one woman posted a big whiny post about losing her great grandfather. I wanted to deck the bitch. Boo who you lost a great grand parent come to talk to me when it is someone a little closer. I chose to ignore the post because I had nothing good to say to her.

Little Elijah is doing well and is getting bigger by the day, as am I. It is hard to believe how much bigger I will get in the next 13 weeks. I am now in my last trimester so the end is near. It is hard to believe we will meet or little boy in 3 months. Everyday he seems to kick a little more and a little stronger. It is really kinda nice to feel all the little kicks and to know that he is doing ok. The first part of the pregnancy was hard because you never knew if something had happened and so it is a lot better to feel him wiggling around. Anyway things are going well and soon I will look like a giant beached whale.

Last night Brad and I went to a party to launch a new cell phone. Our friend is a party planner so she got us in. There were a ton of old actors there like Allen Thicke, Christopher Knight, Adrian Curry, Scott Baio and more. Brad was in heaven though when he heard that the entire cast of Heros was there! He got a picture with them and I must say that the actor that plays Sylar is just as creepy looking in person. Brad also got to meet George Takai and I think his geek-o-meter went past maximum. I am not much of a partier these days so Brad had a much better time than I did but it was so cute to see him and Jens so excited. I think they probably made all their office mates jealous today.

Well I will post more soon and more often I promise. Hopefully we will be getting airconditioning soon and then I will be more able to post without dying. If not with my new computer I can post from an airconditioned Starbucks near me. I best be getting back to figuring out my laptop. I promise I will actually comment on everyones posts soon. I have read everyones but not commented. See you all soon.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Retail Therapy

So since I have been in a bit of a funk lately I haven't posted much. We have been keeping busy though. On the 21st we celebrated our first anniversary. To mark the occasion we went to the San Diego zoo and to the Huntington Botanical gardens. We had a good time but it was a little sad that I couldn't tell my Dad about it because he would have loved it. Last weekend Susan came to visit and we had a nice visit although all to short. On Monday we went to my Bro's for a bbq and met all of C's extended family.

This weekend we spent running around, went to a birthday party for new friends. We went out to breakfast today with old friends. This afternoon we went to Babies-r-us to work on the registry for Elijah. On the way home we decided to go test drive cars for the fun of it. Well we are now the proud owners of a 2007 Toyota Rav 4. It is so nice and will be great for the baby. It is very safe and gets great gas mileage. We will be selling off the Kia as some as we find someone to pay a decent price for it. Anyway here is a picture of the new car. The color is Pacific Blue. I am so happy with it.

Me and the new baby