Friday, July 14, 2006

Icons of Youth

Today yet another of my childhood heroes has died. Red Buttons who was one of the stars in my all time favorite movie passed away at the age of 87. I began thinking of the icons of my childhood who are no longer with us and how their loss effected me. When Jim Henson died I cried. I will never forget that day and just what a blow it was to know Kermit would never be the same again. A few years ago we lost John Ritter and visions of Jack Tripper swarmed my head. I could go on a list a long slew of names of people who were my hero growing up and the sadness I feel for their loss. Today losing Red was sad, but at least he led a long fulfilled life. I began to think about who the icons of today are for our children and I was saddened by the first strong name that came through. Could Brittney Spears really effect the lives and hearts of children like my heroes once did for me. I hope not. I did come up with some more hopeful choices and I was hoping you could add to my list. Mike Myers since he is the voice of Shrek as well as having a long list of very funny movies that I believe will stand the test of time. John Lasiter who is the creative head of Pixar, a man I believe can one day stand besides the likes of Walt Disney with a head held high. I am drawing a blank here but I am sure their are others out their that can stand the test of time and be worth being a hero to today's generation.

I suppose upon further thought of the whole Brittney thing though my parents thought the same of Madonna. We will see if time allows her to mature gracefully as Madonna finally did, or retreat farther into her redneck, trailer park, toothless heritage. I am afraid it will be the latter.

So anyway it is with a sad heart that I say good bye Red Buttons, I loved you! I hope that you are in heaven now with your own dragon to protect you.


Karin said...

OK I was not saying that I would be sad when Madonna passed more that there is a chance for Brittney to turn herself around. Yes I was also thinking about John Candy and Chris Farley but they weren't quite on the same level. Tom Hanks is an excellent point, Ben Stiller I could see eventually but I am not sure about Seinfeld.

The Q said...

I cried when John Ritter died. I loved, LOVED him on Three's Company (he was my first official "crush" due to his being funny....then when I got older looks played in and Tom Selleck became my end all be all)

I just think that John Ritter died WAAAAY too young. I agree, Red Buttons had a full life (can you believe I don't really *know* who he was?) Was I living under a rock or something?!?

The Mad Hatter said...

RIP red buttons, Im sure my ma will look after him up there sweetie :-)

I cant believe John Ritter died too, they show a programme called '8 Simple Rules' and a while back his charcter died in the show, so I guess that what really happened. Bless him.

I hope you enjoy your weekend sweets :-)
Lots of love XxXxXxX

eyes_only4him said...

who the hell is red buttons?...i am lost.