Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Because I am Worth It

Yesterday I took an all about me day. First our cleaning lady came and did all the deep cleaning for our house. It is so nice to have someone do the things like scrub the toilets, even if we can only have her come every other week. I then left the house and went to the mall and looked for a light weight robe to wear at the hospital. I pulled into the parking lot and low and behold the expectant mother spot was open and available. I parked and waddle into the mall and headed into JCPenny. I found a silk robe that fit around my enormous belly and headed to the register, what do you know the robe was even on sale for 20 bucks, yeah me. I was so excited that not only did I find what I was looking for but I found it at the first store I went too. What can I say Penny's has always been very good to me.

From the mall I went to get my hair trimmed as it was really overdue. I got it trimmed up and it now looks a lot healthier. It still looks pretty gray but I won't use a permanent dye until after I give birth because I don't want to be around all those harsh chemicals. After that I decided to go to the nail salon that is in the same shopping center. I got a manicure and a pedicure and I have to admit it felt great. I ended up paying extra to have my callouses removed and then to have a scrub done. I know I have feet issues but the lady wore fresh gloves and massaged my feet and I loved it. I guess if there is no fear of you touching another part of my body with the hands you touched my feet with I can relax into it. Ok stop laughing at me all of you I know my issues don't make sense but I looked at yesterday as progress. Anyway it was a great treat and I felt like a million bucks when it was done. It is nice to be pampered every once in awhile.

Then last night I had my fourth prepared childbirth class. It included the hospital tour. I was a little sad that Brad was missing it but I took my Doula with me and so it was nice to have her support there. I think it was good for her as well. Anyway when we got to the end of the tour we were looking at the rooms that we would stay in after the baby was born, they are kind of small but right across from it is the nursery with glass windows to look in. While we were there a newborn baby and Daddy were in there getting his first bath. Daddy was beet red and you could tell was very happy. At first he had a video camera out video taping the bath. Then he pulled out a digital camera and started taking still pictures. Then he pulled out his iphone and began to text meesage everyone he knew. I was giggling so hard at him because even though I won't be there to see it when our son is bathed I know that is exactly the progression that Brad will go through. I just kept saying that is exactly what my husband will do.

Brad is having a good time at the conference thus far but you would never know it from the text messages I have gotten. The first one said we all crammed into a cab to get to the convention center and my phone got smooshed and cracked the screen so now it doesn't work right anymore. The next message was at 7 last night as I was pulling into the hospital. It stated a bird just shat on me! Again I had to laugh, if he had been with me that wouldn't have happened. So I am wondering what the next text will hold. He has called a couple of times to check in, I am guessing he is worried about me. His calls are very short and always while he is running to the next thing with the guys usually involving beer, so I am farely certain he is having fun despite the little set backs.

Today I am going to go do something with my friend Megan, who's husband is with Brad. I have no idea what we are going to do but I am sure we will find something to keep us busy and get us in trouble. I am sure I will have something to tell later of our nights activities. Well I think I might be off to the pool to try to relax and cool off. Elijah seems to really like the water and it is good for me to have the weight taken off my body for a little while.


Stacy said...

It won't be long before I have to start looking for maternity clothes and so far JCPenny has the best ones as far as style. Not that maternity clothes are very stylish but still.

eyes_only4him said... much longer do u have to go?

I need a foot rub now..

Karin said...

iesp- I really liked Penny's shirts but the pants didn't fit me very well. If yours has a maternity department I would try them on before ordering. I had better luck with Motherhoods pants.

Flippy- I am due in 38 days, not that I am counting or anything.

mama biscuit said...

Enjoy the quiet time while it's still yours! You deserve it!

(says the girl who's currently engaged in a power struggle with a 4 mo old that REALLY needs a nap but doesn't want to take one! How does something so small make so much noise?!?!?!)

Disneysue said...

I NEVER find anything at Pennys. THeir fat chicks dept clothes look like fat granny clothes.

Im glad that you FINALLY decided to take a pamper day, you needed it!

See you in a couple weeks!

The Mad Hatter said...

O when I go to the pool I just love to see you pregnant mermaids gliding through the water ... whereever I love nowadays there's preggy chicks :-)

Darling ... just a question ... did you go grey when you lost her dad - may he rest in peace - just asking cos when I lost ma my hair turned white ... seriously!!! I dye it too ;-)

Love and kisses to you and baby xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

keesh said...

wow. this pregnancy has gone fast. ok for me, not you :). Can't wait to see what this little guy. it is nice to get pampered sometimes. I did the pedicure thing when I was 8 months prego too and it was nice! and I hate feet too! My own and other people's so you are not strange to me...Sorry I don't make it around like i use to in blog land. the 5 year old keeps me busy! Summer goes so fast and sitting down is few and far between...wait until the fall though :)>