Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August has arrived

I can't believe that it is already August! That means that next month Brad and I will be parents to a real human, how scary is that. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Last night we had our 3rd prepared childbirth class. Only 2 more and we are on our own to figure out this whole giving birth thing. I guess you can say I am excited and scared silly all at the same time. I can't wait to hold my little boy and gaze at his face and know I don't have to hand him back to someone. Of course then I also worry that i won't know what to do and I will do everything wrong. I am guessing the truth is I will do some things wrong and somethings right and somehow they will balance each other out. It is just weird to know that next month he will be here.

I have really enjoyed having air conditioning. I even baked cookies this weekend knowing it wouldn't make the house to hot. I took them to 2 different parties over the weekend and everyone loved them. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising as who doesn't love peanutbutter kiss cookies. I have to say though it is nice to have my ego petted when everyone says how good my cookies are. Ok so there you have it I admit to loving the attention I get for my baked goods.

I know I had more I was going to say but I sdon't remember what in the heck it was. Oh well maybe I will remember later and you few that are still reading will have more than one post in a week. Oh I know one thing was that I had an ob appointment yesterday and an ultrasound. Elijah is growing very fast now and weighs 4 pounds 13 ounces. He has a strong heartbeat and looks to be developing well. I asked if it was still a boy and the tech showed me to big circles and says that is a boy if I have ever seen one. Brad was so proud that his boy had such a big pair. Leave it to a man to be more impressed that his son has a big pair than that he is developing well. As for me I have gained a total of 5 pounds so far this pregnancy which means I will end up weighing less after giving birth than I started out the pregnancy, go me! My blood pressure is good and my urine was clear. I don't have excessive swelling so it looks like everything is good and that it is just a matter of waiting for him to be ready.

Well that is enough for today. I wouldn't want to over stimulate you guys.


Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

You've only gained 5 lbs?! ***I hang my head in my 50 lb shame***

Hubby and I used to kid around when we first had Bug saying we wondered when the real parents were going to show up to get her. It's a very weird feeling to just be handed this little baby and realize it's really truly yours to keep.

When's your due date again?

Karin said...

Working- due date is Sept. 15th. Don't you worry about your weight gain you were a lot lighter than me when you started so you didn't have as much reserve to feed him.

The Q said...

I'd give you lots of attention for baked goods :-)

I'm so glad that Elijah is right on track...or actually excelling in the testicular region. Heh.

mama biscuit said...

Ohhhhh, I can't wait! You're going to do just fine, Karin. And when you have questions......there will be lots of people who love you here and will gladly answer your questions.

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

That was Bug's due date!!! Of course she came on the 9th instead!!

Disneysue said...

I cant wait until October 27, when I finally get to meet him! Id tell you not to worry, but that would be stupid, Moms worry its their nature.

CPA Mom said...

wait, wait...only 5 lbs the entire pregnancy???? I gained about 40 with each.

I confess, I like attention for baked goods too. I'll take what positive attention I can get!