Sunday, August 05, 2007

We have fallen to the man.

You know that you have lost it a bit when you drive by a gas station and get all excited that the gas is only $2.93 a gallon. You get even more excited that the gas is Chevron I mean that shit has techron. So we pulled in as my very thirsty needed gas anyway. $35 later we pulled out feeling as though we had pulled one over on the man. It was then I realized how sad that really was. I mean when I got my license gas was just under a buck a gallon so has inflation really gotten to the point where 3 times the price is a deal? I know minimum wage hasn't tripled since then so why are we so accepting of being reamed up the rear by our goods getting so inflated? Well the thing is we really don't have a choice do we, I mean I am in no condition to walk or ride my bike everywhere I need to be. So I continue to pay the price for gas and whine like a school kid each time the price goes up. Oh well I am not here offering any sort of solution I am just merely pointing out the saddness of it all.

Tomorrow morning Brad leaves for his yearly geek conference. He will be gone until Thursday night and I will be left to my own devices. I hope he has a great time in his last getaway before fatherhood strikes. I have a feeling I will go a little stir crazy being home alone the next few days. We will see what kind of trouble I can find.

Well we didn't go on a photo safari as we couldn't think of anything cool enough to get out and do. We did have brunch at the beach this morning though and so a few pictures were taken. Brad posted them on his flickr so if you can figure out how to find them you can see them there. I would post a link but I am feeling way to lazy for that and I would like to limit the amount of people that see how truly enormous I have become. Oh well I am sure I will get bigger before this is over and I am a little frightened with how huge that will be. Well in 3 weeks I am considered full term and in 6 weeks I will have reached my due date. Those dates are getting scary.


mama biscuit said...

Karin, I'm so proud of're posting like a champ these days. I'm afraid I'm getting spoiled though and worry what I'll do when the baby is born and you no longer have time for us.

Your post made me chuckle. We drove by the gas station near our house the other day and I sqealed because gas was 2.80-something. And then thought to myself- how freakin' sad is that!

The Q said...

I totally hear your gas woes...we saw gas at $3 and we were happy it wasn't $3.10. How pathetic is that?!?!

Shoot I was just in Brad's flickr the other day, I should have added him as a contact. Now I'm going to have to go back and figure out how I found him (I'm 99% sure I he must have left a comment on one of your pics...not rocket science, but it's a lot of work for a lazy ass like myself) ;-)

CPA Mom said...

I'm just as sad...squealed outloud when it got down to $2.59 by my house...It was 77 cents a gallon when I was 17. Good times. Now I've got to figure out how to get to Brad's flickr....

Anonymous said...

You've been Nab'd!

Big Mama said...

Oh Karin I think we all share the same sadness with the gas prices. I can't wait to see the photos of the new baby!!! *6 weeks* Of course you will take a blog-break (and who can blame you) as you will have your hands very full!

Disneysue said...

You and Elijah look soooo cute!! THe close up looks like a very ripe peach :)

I think the solution for lowering gas prices is to have all the rich people give all us working poor people a gas card and have the bill sent to them. BAM! Gas price war solved when only a hand full of people are paying the bill!

keesh said...

You should post pics of the nursery :). Yeah, I gave up my blog quite a while ago. Sorry :(. I still enjoy reading yours though!