Saturday, December 10, 2005

sleep deprivation

This is for my furry alarm clock: Hello it is Saturday the day that the humans in the house like to stay in bed together and get some much needed rest. Yes I know that you love me and would dearly love some attention and scratches behind your cute little ears. But for crying out loud it is 4:30 in the morning, I am too sleepy to love you right now, instead your actions make me want to hurtle you across the room. Of course I contained my anger at you this morning which was hard since you didn't get the message that I was not going to get up and pet you until 6:30. I will not however be so nice the next time you decide it is your job to keep me awake, you see in the bathroom that you love so much there is a large container that has water in it. Your Dad and I call it a toilet, anyway if you continue with this behavior you will be dropped in it and I will flush it giving you a swirly but not flushing you down. This will result in you being very wet and me laughing my butt off at you. Now remember you are a cat and water is your arch enemy. So my darling Z you are warned.

Those few of you that actually read this blog will notice that I change the template on my blog. I also added links to some other peoples blogs. I would like you all to know that I figured this out all on my own with no help from Brad. I was quite proud of this little accomplishment so I hope you all like being linked. Today we are going to make a trip to Costco. I have a love hate relationship with them. I love the store and especially their meat but hate all the other people that shop there. Let me let you in on a little secret: the aisles of Costco are to walk through and to pick out what you need, it is not the place to schedule your family reunion. I know the free appetizer made you think it was cocktail hour but really folks move out of the way I have shopping to do. Personally I hate the free samples it clogs up the very aisles I need things from to run my little business. The sample aren't very good, have a lot of calories, and are rarely actually ready to be consumed when you walk by, causing a big group of people to wait in line for something they wouldn't eat if they saw it being offered at a party. Just stop it people and go outside and get a hotdog and a coke for $1.50 you will be much happier with your choice. Anyway despite my little rant I am still happy to be going to Costco and happier still that Brad will be going with me.


eyes_only4him said...

I have never been to a that wierd?

My little dog does the same thing in the morning...this is bad..but sometimes i am too lazy to let her out..and she pees on my floor..


Karin said...

No it isn't weird, Oprah went for the first time last year. Of course you may also have another bulk store like BJ's or Sam's club that does the same thing. I have Costco. The difference with a dog and a cat is that the dog has to be let out the cat is just an annoying little bugger that has it's litter box to go in and is only waking me up cause she is lonely. Even this wouldn't be as annoying if she loved me as much when I was already awake, but the little s**t wants nothing to do with me then.

eyes_only4him said...
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Karin said...

Thanks I got you and I successfully changed your link. Wow I am so cool.