Sunday, December 11, 2005


It has been a long day and I will blog more about it later this week. Right now I am waiting for the pork shoulder I just smoked to cool so I can pull it and go to bed. I am catering tomorrow and doing data entry so I don't think I will have much time to blog. I am still trying to figure out exactly what I will be making for Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope that by Wednesday afternoon things will calm down and I can write all the things that my brain is overflowing with.

I don't know if this happens to other people but quite frankly it usually startles me when it happens. Sometimes I can look at someone and know that something is going to go wrong. It is never very specific but just a feeling like they should use some extra caution. Today I had one of those feelings. At a group event that I will explain more about in the future, I saw a friend that is part of an older generation. As she was walking up towards us I said to Brad and a friend at the table that she didn't look very good. 45 seconds later she bent to pet a dog and fell over onto her face. She was hurt and couldn't get up and we had to call an ambulance to come get her. I still don't know the status of what happened at the hospital so I can't explain more. Brad came back to the table after she was taken away and said "wow honey, you called it. Please always tell me I look good." I wouldn't be troubled about this except that I do get the eerie feeling from time to time and when it is like this I always end up being right. I know that some of you think that it might be cool, or like Medium, but let me assure you it is core shaking. So please if you are reading this and have had similar experiences let me know so I don't feel so weird.


eyes_only4him said...

does the pig no your planning on pulling his shoulder apart!!

sorry bout all the crap going on..I hate it when I have one of them days

Karin said...

well Christina, the pig was delicious so I am happy he gave freely of his shoulder. I think everything is going to be all right. I made it through today so I think I can handle this week just fine.