Monday, February 13, 2006

Chick Flicks

Ok as we know I love the chick flicks. I got my first movies from NetFlicks and in it I received the movie The Notebook. Now I debated about renting this movie cause I really didn't think it was me. None the less I put it on my list and it was the first movie I received. Wow it is quite probably the best most touching romance movie I have ever seen. I spent hours consumed in my sappy girlie heaven today while Brad was safely away at work. I saw the way my parents love each other in this movie and if you have met them you know what an amazing thing that is. I really got so much more than I expected from this movie, I couldn't bear to mail it back yet so I kept it for a couple more days. AHHH this is exactly why I joined netflix.

Brad played an awful inadvertent trick on me this evening at dinner. He told me Rob Cohen, who directed the movie Stealth that Brad worked on for over two years and I have met, got his break by directing a small chick flick. Brad then paused and said I think it was Circle of Friends. Ok my attention was caught, my jaw dropped and I said you mean the Minnie Driver movie. The movie I have watched like a million times that is one of my favorite girlie movies. He was like yeah where else would I have come up with that name. Ok so I am a bit lame but I started to get all excited could this guy who I thought was kind of lame really have made one of my favorite movies. My mind started spinning, no that had nothing to do with the Martini or the wine with dinner, there was just no way that this man could have made that movie. SO I asked Brad again and he was like sure that was the movie. So I ran downstairs to my office and grab the VHS of that movie, I really need to get that on DVD, and looked at the back panel. No it wasn't Rob Cohen. SO he looked it up on his cell phone and the Rob Cohen movie was called a Small Circle of Friends. SO totally not as cool. Brad insists that he was right while I insist it was cruel to taunt me like that.

Ok so now that I own my own business I have had to become a bill collector. That really sucks. Ok people if you say you are going to pay someone on Friday pay them on Friday they are counting on that money. Then when you don't pay them on Friday and you say we will get a check to you by Monday you had best do it. Cause tomorrow if Karin doesn't get paid there is an aluminum bat in her garage with your name on it. Pay up you big jerks my man would like a VD present and I gave him me last year.


eyes_only4him said...

i hate chick flicks..i avoid them at all costs..haha

people who dont pay on time suck doneky balls;)

The Q said...

We are now running into similar issues with people not's tough because we're new, we want to work with people. But come on, the cats and the dog need to eat!!!

I hope you and Brad have a wonderful Valentine's day!!!

Sandy said...

OK, first rule of business when you are in the 'food' business is PAYMENT upon Delivery, no money, no FOOD!!
deposits are good too!! I learned the hard way with Custom Embroidery too!
Let's not use the baseball bat so fast, you don't want to be wearing black and white strpped for the wedding, or for that matter an orange jumpsuit!!
Hope it is a great Valentines day!
With love!

Disneysue said...

You gave Brad a VD least year for the Black holiday? Thats kind of mean......and my goodness who have YOU been hangin out with? Now I know I need to give Brad some rain gear for your wedding present!

dbwilldo said...

Why did you put the notebook in your queue? You must not have on demand cable, because it is showing for free all this month ;)

Karin said...

Hey everyone thanks, I should get paid this Friday for everything they back owe me plus what they will owe me for this week. It will be a nice check.

DB-I forget that we have on demand because we had direct tv for so long. However I am not sure if we have the channel that is playing the movie so we might not have it I will have to check. Besides DVD have special features.

eyes_only4him said...

haha suzie,
your just jelous and wanting to steal it;)

Unknown said...

I still don't dare hire out the notebook because I don't wnat to admit that i will bawl my eyes out. in fact, this is why i don't watch chic flicks - watching house or NCIS makes me an emotional wreck, let alone something that is MEANT to be sad.

pack of 2 said...

I love the bat idea...I wonder if I can use it on unruly guests...just thinking out loud:)

I hope you get your money!


The Q said...

Pssst. Hey you. Karin!

Have a nice weekend, okay? :-)

Disneysue said...

P.S. I STILL cry when I watch Circle of Friends! "All right, I'll hold it. But I wont jiggle it about understand"

Disneysue said...

P.S. I STILL cry when I watch Circle of Friends! "All right, I'll hold it. But I wont jiggle it about understand"

Disneysue said...

i dont know why it out my comment on there twice......weird