Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cheers and Jeers

So recently I have noticed a lot of things that need commenting about and so I have finally decided to post about it. I got my laptop running online so I am able to post from in in the living room where it isn't so hot and stuffy. Today's post will be about giving credits where credit is due and ripping to shreds things that need to be ripped.

Cheer- Little Miss Sunshine, the cutest funniest movie I have seen in a long time. I laughed the whole way through and it was nice to have a movie that had some smart humor for a change. I also loved that they were eating Dinah's chicken which is down the street from here.

Jeer- Snakes On a Plane, a very bad film if you are a woman. Brad loved it though but I wanted to leave the whole time we were there. Blood, guts and stupidity were a little too much for me.

Cheer- To friends that are always there for you and enjoy spending time with us. Playing board games and just hanging out and talking, it is nice to know that we are cared about.

Jeer- To any asshat that spits their gum were the rest of us walk. If Brad or I step in one more piece of gum someone is going down. In the last 2 weeks we have landed in gum 4 times. Use a trash can people. Also don't spit your gum on seats either because I don't appreciate sitting in your gum.

Cheer- To my little community and how you work together. Every year Brad and I go to the local city fair and we are always amazed at what a great little city we live in. We also have the best police and fire departments in the world and we are so happy that we have them to help us if we need it.

Jeer- To the fast food companies that in the wake of overwhelming obesity react by starting to serve another daily meal called snack time. Do we really need to run to McDonald's for a midafternoon snack? I am sorry but I would rather have fruit, or something healthy to snack on.

Cheer- to the fruit companies that are staring to sell fruit in snack packs that can easily be taken to go to work or to school. I think it is important that they are making some healthier choices easily available.

Jeer- To my home owners association for once again lying to us and pushing our fences farther into the future and not bothering to tell us. Our fences were supposed to be the next to be put up which would mean that next week we would start getting the new fence in our unit. Today when I asked the contractors if we were next they told me no they would be doing all the other buildings first. The thing is we live on the street and need only have a 3 foot fence which has caused our house to be broken into. Why are they doing all the interior units that don't have a safety issue first? I am ticked off that they didn't even bother to tell us they weren't doing our fence until last.

Cheers- To all my fellow bloggers that are way better about blogging than I am. These same people are quick to compliment and to offer advice and I think it is important to know that I love you all. I hope that you all get as much out of blogging as I do.


PinkCat said...

Karin that was a really cool post. I think you are an awesome blogger and I love to read what you right all the time. I have my lap top permantely on in the kitchen. It always looks so inviting. I am definately going to need rehab. I consider my blogging friends my friends. Its great.

Take care sweetie xx

Michele_3 said...

Awh I loved that post!
I always love reading your comments from my posts.
Your a very honest, funny & sweet person..Thanks for always dropping by my Blog!
I hope you get your fence soon, that's not veey cool of them to do that!
Oh- & I agree so much about the gum, I hate stepping on gum!
Double Yuck!
Take care!

The Q said...

I agree with your last "Cheer" (not that I disagree with your other listed items).

My issues now stem more from my real life and I don't want to blog about it. But I bet if I did, I'd get tons of support. It's funny how this whole "community" seems to work, huh? ;-)

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

What a nice post! I really want to see Little Miss Sunshine, not so much the Snakes on a Plane though.

I totally agree with your last cheer! I consider all my blogging buddies my friends and I actually write some things in my blog that I wouldn't talk to my nonblogging friends about. Weird, huh? :)

Sapphire said...

Wow. Gum on the sidewalk where you live? I think I'd rather have that than some of the stuff that's on the sidewalks of the city centre here in New Orleans. Stuff you don't want to think about and won't be mentioned!


Fairy said...

cheers to friends,,,eiher blog or college..i feel so lucky..

eyes_only4him said...

i want to see that sunshine one..and since u give it two thumbs up, bossy will see it..

snakes on a plane looked creepy to me..ukk..

i am always here to give u advice u dont want or need..but thats why u love me right?

The Mad Hatter said...

Another beauty luv, well done.

Can I say you dont give yourself enough credit about the blogging, your great whenever you come over to mine or fairies place, you always bring us up if we're down, so keep up the good work :-)
Lots of love XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX

Disneysue said...

I cant believe Im so late on commenting! CURSE YOU FUNKY WORK SCHEDULE! I dont even know what day it is! I confess, Im a gum spitter. BUT....I NEVER spit it where people walk. I always spit it into bushes when nobody is looking. If people are around, I find a trash can!

Last movie I went to was Pirates, wait no, Cars? I cant remember! Snakes did look retarded and I dont even know about the Sunshine one!

My neighborhood is fast becomming SNOOOTTTY! I dont like it anymore!

SassyFemme said...

Someone was just telling me about Little Miss Sunshine today. You couldn't pay me enough to see the snake movie! The gum thing is just crazy!