Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The house on a firm foundation

I just went up to take pictures of the houses in Culver City that are sliding down the hill and have since been condemned. When I look at it I am reminded of the parable about building your house on a firm foundation, like rock. Only fools built on sinking sand, so with all the news of homes sliding it brings to question, are Southern Californians all a bunch of idiots? Driving any where here makes you have to answer yes. Only an idiot would pay 3 times the rent or mortgage of anywhere else in the country to live in smog, over crowding, bad driving, more expensive goods, and earthquakes. So than what would make us not be idiots? Well let us just say that this is a very cold week and our weekly low is 53. Philadelphia's is in the 20's and this is a warmer week for them. Or would you like to see any of the movies that are up for an Oscar? You tell me the Movie and I will tell you a theatre it is playing at. I guess when you consider all the ups and downs of living in an area you can decide if it is right for you. For now I choose to live here and if my house sinks into the ocean you can all tell me I was an idiot and should have moved. In the meantime I will be out riding my bike in shorts in Febuary, because I can and frost bite is never a fear.

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