Monday, February 14, 2005

St. Valentines Day Masacre

So I realized today that this is the day of love and now that I am in a committed relationship it is no longer a meaningful holiday. The funny thing is that all the years I was single I hated and resented this holiday because I wasn't in a relationship and now that I am secure in my relationship I resent the holiday for being so contrived. So really there were only a couple of Valentines Days in my whole life that I cared about it being Valentines Day. Look guys always want to be getting points for the romantic things they do, but does it really count if every where you look you are being told you have to be romantic on this day. To me romance is more in the every day than on Brad bringing home flowers on Feb. 14th. When I was in school and having a tough time I would come home and Brad would have a hot buble bath for me. Sometimes he had gone out and gotten dinner and waited until 11:30pm for me toget home so we could eat together and he would have the table set nice. He would clean the littler box even though it was my turn. This means more than any forced gift ever could. However I am one of the few women that feel this way so I will try not to betray my kind too much.

Today I had to make 850 cupcakes with little red hearts on them. By the time I was done I had so much red frosting smeared on me that I looked like a masacre victim, and my hand was so sore it felt like I was one. So I hope that those of you that care about this stupid day had a great one, and if you are eating a cupcake with a big red heart on it I hope you choke on it! J/K

1 comment:

erik said...

"hated and resented this holiday"Indeed.

{{narrows his eyes in a manner that can only be described as hateful and/or resentful}}